Site Selectors

We know that up-to-date information is a critical component of your site selection process and we’re confident in our ability to assist you in learning all you need to know Clovis. Read about our key industries, demographic data and the types of incentives available to your company.

Workforce & Education

Our team provides new businesses with the resources and support to thrive in Clovis.

Programs & Services

Our team is here to help both existing businesses in Clovis and those looking to expand in the area.

Available Properties

With competitive fee reductions and unparalleled support, doing business in Clovis is easy.

Shovel Ready Sites

Find developable properties and impact fees on Shaw and Herdon Avenues.

General Plan

Read about the ambitious plan to take the City of Clovis through 2035.

Taxes & Incentives

Learn more about business regulations in Clovis and how to get your business started.